Elijah “a redshirt freshman”
Throughout March, our Student Led Movements hosted three US missions teams who served our university communities. Leon Best helped oversee the largest group which consisted of students from a prestigious university in Michigan.
This US team had student athletes with diverse backgrounds. One young man named Elijah was a “redshirt freshman” on the university’s American football. He recently became a believer two months prior and took the initiative to go on a foreign mission trip.
Our South African student leaders and volunteers were impressed by Elijah’s faith in Jesus Christ.
This encouraged Sonwabile, SA volunteer, to step up in his faith. Elijah also had the opportunity to share his testimony at a local Cape Town church. The church worship leader was overwhelmed when he returned to the stage and expressed how Campus Crusade for Christ® impacted his life when he was a university student.
Our team was grateful for Elijah speaking in front of the church to tell about his life before he accepted Christ, when he prayed and received Christ into his life and how he is living for Christ now.
Many times, Leon observed Elijah’s US teammates call him Eli, and so Leon asked him if that was his name. Elijah stated Eli was not his name. Then Leon communicated Eli was a priest of God who didn’t finish well in life and how Elijah was a good name. He encouraged him to read Elijah’s story(see 2 Kings 2) in the Bible about how he finished his race.
Continue to pray for the follow-up by our AIA/SLM team and pray we have many Elishas who will continue to reach the universities in Cape Town.
1 thought on “US Students visit Cape Town”
Good day, I would like to thank the staff at campus crusade for Christ and especially Mr Leon Best He COUNCILLED me when I was at UWC and I would love to get in contact with him again. GOD BLESS