Global Church Movement
We believe God is calling ordinary people, to do extraordinary work for Him …

We strive to inspire vision and action in the church and train and equip multiplying leaders, so that they can equip their congregations in evangelism and discipleship.

We want to promote strategic partnerships and provide new ideas, tools and strategies to encourage members to grow in their faith and outreach.

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The following strategies support the Global Church Movement:

Jesus Film
Jesus Film Project

Taking Jesus to the people where they are, in their own language. Based on the Gospel of Luke, the film has been translated into more than 1700 languages since its initial release in 1979. Watch it here.

Man praying in the morning in a beautiful sunrise.

Prayer is essential to our Mission and is expected to be integrated with the whole ministry. Dependence on God expressed through the lifestyle of prayer and a growing network of intercessors is the foundation for all that we are trusting the LORD to do by 2020 and beyond.