True Religion in Action: Outreach in Hammanskraal

As James 1:27 states, “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”

Our Digital Strategy team, along with the Jesus Film staff, recently conducted a four-day outreach in Hammanskraal. The first two days were dedicated to supporting widows and single mothers. One of our staff members, who is devoted to reaching out to widows, led this effort alongside a colleague from the United States. It was heartbreaking to witness the challenges faced by young women in these communities, including high rates of teen pregnancy and a pervasive sense of hopelessness among many teenage girls. In addition to sharing the Word of God, they also provided financial empowerment to 11 single mothers.

The remaining two days focused on evangelism and discipleship training in the morning, door-to-door evangelism in the afternoon, and screening the Jesus Film in the evening. Around 50 people, including pastors from various churches, received training. We praise God for the souls that said yes to Jesus through these efforts. Many attendees admitted that sharing their faith initially felt intimidating, but they left feeling encouraged and inspired.

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Picture of Nicholas Kelderman

Nicholas Kelderman

Digital Strategies

1 thought on “True Religion in Action: Outreach in Hammanskraal”

  1. Hello campus crusade for Christ
    My name is Sonwabile Ngesi here in cape Town Located in mfulen near Bluedowns
    I would like to invite youall to my church to come en preach en do outreach. Name of the church. HEAVEN IS OUR HOME MINISTRIES.
    Please feel free to ask me for more information shalom

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