Transforming Our World Through a Lifestyle of Prayer

As our CCCSA family embarks on the journey of 2025, our hearts are filled with both expectation and anticipation. While none of us can predict what this year holds for our ministry, one thing is certain: God is constant and steadfast. According to His Word, He remains the Ruler of the universe. He holds 2025 in the palm of His hands, cradling CCCSA and each one of us—personally and uniquely created—in His almighty grip.

Our lifeline for this year is our personal relationship with God, and that lifeline is nurtured through ongoing conversation with Him. Without this connection, there is no real evidence of faith in Jesus Christ. Prayer is the foundation of how we relate to our omnipresent Triune God. Hebrews 4:16 reminds us that we can boldly approach the throne of our Abba Father, not because of who we are, but because of the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross and His resurrection! Our perfect High Priest, who fully understands our struggles in this broken world, is always compassionate toward us.

This is the good news for all of us walking in the calling God has placed on our lives: we need Jesus, we need the Holy Spirit, and we need our faithful and good Father. Without God, our calling is impossible to fulfil!

What Is Kingdom Ministry?

The Kingdom encompasses everything that belongs to the King. God’s Kingdom is ruled by Him, and He is the perfect King, unmatched in majesty, authority, and rulership. Our Creator God is sovereign over all, holding victory over sin and death. While our enemy is a created being, he cannot overpower or even compare to our King or His everlasting Kingdom.

With this truth in mind, we have nothing to fear when our connection to God through Jesus Christ is secure. Every circumstance in our lives is lovingly held in His hands, and He knows the outcome of every challenge we face. All we need to do is walk step by step each day—praising Jesus and laying our burdens before His throne of grace. Prayer is more than a moment of quiet reflection or a structured meeting. It is an ongoing conversation with the One who is always with us.

A Lifestyle of Prayer

Our National Team Leader (NTL), Chris, often encourages us to pray immediately whenever someone expresses a need—whether we’re in the office, at a coffee shop, or anywhere else. Let us take every opportunity to make prayer an active and natural part of our lives.

Here are some practical ways to embrace a lifestyle of prayer:

  • Start Your Day in Prayer: Begin every morning in God’s presence.
  • Engage Your Community: Involve your family or friends in weekly prayer gatherings.
  • Pray On-Site with Insight: Take prayer drives or walks in your neighbourhood and target areas. These moments of prayer can offer vision for ministry approaches and planning.

As we cultivate an awareness of prayer throughout 2025, may we witness how our faithful Father responds to our petitions at every step.

Blessings in abundance,

With love in Jesus Christ,

Picture of Heleen Kelber

Heleen Kelber

CCCSA Prayer Coordinator

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