There were two quotes that stood out for me during our outreach to the Muslims in Munich, Germany. Rosaria Butterfield, a well-known speaker, said “The Gospel comes with a house key.” Meaning that we should be willing to let people into our homes and lives.
The other was a testimony of Nabeel Qureshi, a Christian from a Muslim background who talked about his conversion online. They were immigrants from Pakistan to the USA and he said “Nobody invited my mother into their homes except my close friends”. They were living in a Christian neighbourhood.
How do we want to reach the Muslims if we do not reach out to them and make friends? How do we start to talk to them if we do not invite them in? I decided to take up that challenge from now on!
During the past three weeks in Munich, we were encouraged to talk to them and we were trained to answer some questions and statements like “Where did Jesus say He is God?” “Your book is corrupted” and a question I had “If your sins are forgiven, why do good?” After the training we then went out on the streets to hand them a New Testament or DVD in Arabic.
Handing out Bibles in Arabic and German as well as some DVD’s of the Magdalena film. Many of the team members had really good discussions with people from the Middle East.
People in the street wearing traditional clothing, making it easier to recognise them. Many wear western clothes without scarves.
The Team: Seven South Africans and many from Egypt and other parts of the Middle East. For them it was the greatest opportunity to share their faith since they are not permitted to do that in their countries. A great example to us!
Please continue to pray for the people who received a Bible or DVD to get to know Jesus Christ as their Saviour and that I will be willing to hand out my house key!
1 thought on “The Gospel Comes with a House Key!”
Very exciting and challenging, Gerda. Thank you, and may the LORD continue to bless you, ~ Al
Al Rhea
Campus Crusade for Christ Southern and Eastern Africa (SEA) site administrator
(m) 703-447-5125
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