The Atheist and the Agnostic

We had the 2019 version of the Global Outreach Day with the partners from around the world.

For the Western Cape team we decided to go to the public square to share the gospel. I met up with two vibrant young ladies. One an atheist and the other an agnostic. The ladies seemed quite sure of their decisions and quite convinced about where they stand with the gospel.

“It’s pretty clear today is not the day then. And then you have wasted your time with us” Said one of them when I told them of the many opportunities one has to receive Christ in their lives. I proceeded to tell them about the fact that after this conversation they will think long and hard why I took a day in my life to talk to them. That I care enough to want to reach them for Christ.

I let them know that if they wanted to do an investigation about the existence and historicity of the Bible they are welcome to do so. I promised to keep in touch when I left them.

Prayer Request

Please pray, I accidentally threw away the paper with their information. I can’t get hold of them.

Nyameka Sonti, Western Cape Team

Cape Town Outreach Team

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