I was pleasantly surprised and encouraged a few weeks ago when I bumped into a student named Mpilo.
Mpilo was one of 8 geology students I was involved in discipling a couple of years ago. He is now doing his honours degree. He told me that the effects of our Bible study and discipleship training had made a big impact on his life. In fact, he has resumed attending our fellowship meetings and even attended our 2-day student camp.
We had another student camp a couple of weeks ago. We spent 2 nights away and had good times of teaching and fellowship. We taught the basics of Campus Crusade’s approach to ministry, namely: How to walk in the Spirit; How to share the Four Spiritual Laws Gospel tract as well as the Ministry of the Holy Spirit tract.
We also shared on the importance of building a movement of multiplying disciples.
We had a good turnout at the camp. Thirteen male students attended – a record!
Our WITS ministry continues to have 2 weekly meetings. The Wednesday lunchtime meetings are run entirely by the students. It’s good to see them delivering good messages. The other meeting is early on Thursday evening.
Please pray that I will have meaningful appointments with non-Christian students as I reach out. Also pray that I will grow ever closer to God.
Please join me in giving thanks for Wishbert who is one of our students. He is taking the initiative to share his faith as well as having a desire to lead his own discipleship group. We’ve seen growth in his life over the last few years.
Eddie Andrews
Student-Led Ministry
1 thought on “Multiplying Disciples”
Hallo Geblessde TEAM.
Ek is Louwrens Bezuidenhout. My versoek volg na my getuienis.
In 1968 gedurende die April vakansie op ‘n CSV kamp in Maselspoort, Bloemfontein, raak God se Gees my aan onder die bediening van Ds Dowe Semenink met die 4 Geestelike Reels. Dit was ‘n geel traktaatjie met die Geloof Trein, dan my Lewe met ‘n Troon.
1. Ek op die Troon en Jesus buite die sirkel.
2. Ek op die Troon en Jesus binne die sirkel.
3. Jesus op die Troon en ek langs die Troon.
Hierdie uitbeelding het my diep getref tot vandag toe. Baie dankie vir visiele uitbeelding.
Ek het asseblief ‘n elektroniese 4 Geestelike Wette nodig. Baie dankie
Blessings & Peace 2u