MC2 PMC2 3.1 Multiplying Churches and Communities

I’m thankful for this method. The greatest benefit is that it is Biblical, transferable, self-explanatory, small group oriented, relationship driven and practical. It focusses on true discipleship and multiplication. Prayer – Care and Share principles are focused on.

Every session is based on 3 quarters.

Looking Back

  • Prayer and Care – Asking questions like “How you are doing, what are you thankful for?”
  • Celebrate Faithfulness – Encouraging members to obey Jesus and to trust God to meet their goals (example: I will share the 4Laws with 3 people)

Looking Up

  • Discussing a portion from the Bible (OBBS method) Obedience Base Bible study – read the story twice, retell the story, discuss questions. (this method helps to remember it better)

Looking Forward

  • Preparing for the mission (participants practising two by two to use the 4Laws booklet). Going on the Mission (participants go and apply what they’ve learned in each session)

Participants are taught how to start a small group (Life group) that grows and multiplies. This group is not a sell or Bible study group but much more. One cannot stay comfortable. Commitment and accountability are what drives the individual and group members and of cause, love for God and people. The teaching material is endless and accommodates reading and video clips. (literate and illiterate people are included)

I am very excited to be part of the MC2 process and trust God to do wonders in our CCC DNA, Winning Building and Sending

Here are some photos

I love teaching people how to share the Gospel, using the Four Spiritual Laws booklet. Here I did a role play with a school student. Many Christians don’t know how to share the Gospel of Jesus
Training the participants in small groups (click on the images to enlarge them)
After the training we go out into the community to practise this method. Praise the Lord for many hearing the Good News
Picture of Willem Kelber

Willem Kelber

Global Church Movement

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