John and Mary-Jean Templehoff

John and Mary-Jean Templehoff were the founders of CCC South Africa in 1972.

They currently live in Durban, South Africa.

Watch the videos below of some of their stories …

To see more videos by John and Mary-Jean, please follow this link.

John tells how exciting and productive Prison ministry can be.

Mary Jean talks about the wisdom of not being political and choosing sides in a battle. Our job instead is to love and follow Jesus and the rest will fall into place.

3 thoughts on “John and Mary-Jean Templehoff”

  1. Hi you two!!!! It has been too long since we have been in touch!!!! Remember me? I am still at! Retired now holding a professor emeritus title. Funny eh?

    Currently I am a snow bird in Venice Florida. We have Guest rooms in the sunshine. We have 5 guest rooms up near Collingwood where we live from late April until November. Honest invitations for rest and restoration.

    Everyone is well. We have 5 grandkids who I miss enormously.

    Love to hear from you. Watched your videos.

    Not sure why you appeared in my heart today and google found you. Hope you are doing okay.

    Love Linda (Cameron)

  2. MARY Havel ALTMAN

    John and Mary Jean,
    If this reaches you, I wanted to let you know that our mother Jeanne Havel passed away on March 11 after a brief illness at 88. She had been living in Dallas near Anne and Peter after our father passed in 2012. We know she contributed to your ministry for many years and thought you would want to know. Knowing she was helping you spread the Gospel in other parts of the world brought her great happiness.

    Mary (Havel) Altman

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