In the early 1980s, the first cases of a mysterious disease were causing the deaths of large numbers of people in central Africa. The virus responsible for AIDS was finally isolated in 1983.
When it became clear that it was a mainly sexually transmitted disease, it was also understood that people could avoid infection by responsible sexual behavior.
Thus the “Life at the CrossRoads” character building program was developed to equip our youth with the motivation and skills needed for wise decision making.
What is CrossRoads (XR)?
XR is a character-building course which looks at the historical life of Jesus as the role model of perfect character.
Why does CrossRoads exist?
XR exists to train national leaders to connect with target audiences to effectively share the Gospel.
The focus is on developing the whole person. It acknowledges the fivefold dimensional make-up of a human being; Mental, Physical, Emotional, Social and Spiritual.
We believe that the spiritual dimension is at the core of every person. Integrating discissions through the spiritual center, produce change in the other four dimensions.
We are teaching for change in behavior.
God designed man in a way that allows us to experience a relationship with Him. The spiritual center is the vehicle to permit that relationship and bring harmony not only with Him, but also harmony within and with others.
What do we want to accomplish?
We want to address all the issues in society that are putting the health and well-being of our youth at risk.
- Poor self-image,
- violence,
- substance abuse,
- bullying,
- poor decision making,
- sexually transmitted diseases,
- teenage pregnancies,
- bad role models,
- negative peer pressure,
- dysfunctional families,
- media influence,
- pornography.
Understanding the problem and knowing what to do about it.
How do we do that?
CrossRoads “speak” to all these issues by teaching the fundamentals of character development.
CrossRoads believes that character education, consistent with most religious values, can positively influence decision-making, help adolescents avoid these risks, and therefore reduce the incidence of these alarming trends.
“Your character is defined by what you do, not by what you think or say.”
How does the Gospel feature in our strategy?
Healthy behavioral choices are outcomes of one’s values and character.
The five dimensions of a human being are interrelated, and a decision made in one affects all the others.
The whole person needs to be addressed – whole person education, including spiritual.
To introduce adolescents to the life of Jesus as role model of perfect character, the Jesus Film (Gospel of Luke) represents one of the lessons in the curriculum.
One’s behavioral choices are best influenced through a relationship with Jesus.
Why does CrossRoads belief that character education is best taught through Cooperative Learning?
Engage instead of Lecturing!
- Increases recall of information which leads to ownership
- Engages students of all learning styles
- Teaches them to think for themselves
- Encourages them to make good decisions
- Creates an atmosphere of safe learning environment
- Work out questions and concerns in a safe environment
- Focus on learning activities.
Curriculum Information
Teaching for change!
- Knowledge, Attitude and Skill.
The CrossRoads curriculum consists of 28 worked out lessons, ready for presentation.
The lessons are arranged in Five Units:
- Unit one: Relationships
- Unit two: The character Connection
- Unit three: Sex in perspective
- Unit four: Life skills
- Unit five: Navigating your future.
Character qualities that form an important foundation of the CrossRoads curriculum:
- Trustworthiness
- Respect
- Responsibility
- Fairness
- Caring
Upon completion of the teacher training, the trainee receives a copy of the CrossRoads curriculum. The teacher is to use the curriculum in any way they choose.
Applications could include:
- Teaching students in a classroom
- Hosting discussion groups in a private setting
- Conducting Sunday school classes
- Planning fun activities for a birthday party.
Since the content of the curriculum is copyrighted, it cannot be shared with others or altered in any way.

Marais Koegelenberg
Team leader of XR South Africa
2 thoughts on “CrossRoads”
XR is ‘n absolute noodsaaklikheid in ons jeugkringe en skool kinders. Mag die Here se werke daardeur openbaar word en die oes in Sy Koninkryk groot wees.
I’m a born again Christian nurse and HIV is my passion. However I need more of a spiritual approach in dealing with it in prevention. I also love the youth however not equipped to handle them. I strongly believe that information from crossroads will enable me in soul winning and empowering our youth