Collaborating with R.I.C.O.

Willie and Henriette from the Roodepoort Inner City Outreach has a vision to build a full-time team of discipled and competent Teacher/Missionaries from the over 1,000 of their ex-students. These will be mentored spiritually, and technically in the field of early childhood development.  They will reach out to the hundreds of daycare centres in our communities, as well as further afield. 

They are looking forward to meeting new ladies and gentlemen with a heart for small children, and to be able to equip them to effectively develop the ones in their care.  But mostly, to share the good news of Jesus Christ with them!

They are using the “Walking with Jesus” series of Campus Crusade for Christ to build into the lives and hearts of their disciples.  

Please watch this short introduction showing the Basic Skills in Early Childhood Development training shot at our centre in Roodepoort inner city in August 2018.

Willie and Henriette

Roodepoort Inner City Outreach

1 thought on “Collaborating with R.I.C.O.”

  1. Good day and many blessings :
    I am Pastor Daniel Demas of Gateway Ministries in Cape Town and I have a full time team of 6 daycare workers working in the daycare centre in our church and would like to know more about how you can develop them with your training ..

    God bless

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