Trained leaders and missional workers!

Here follows a short but very practical feedback from Fanie van Graan (from our Jesus Film Ministries) on a training they just presented. The part in blue suggests a great way for anyone to get involved in making disciples by winning, building and sending!

Every Home for Christ has been very successful in combining Jesus Film resources with their own ministry material. In the middle of October, we took hands with their Vaal office in
Vanderbijlpark Gauteng, and trained 35 leaders and missional workers with the Jesus Film App and with the Knowing Jesus Segment Disciple Strategy. At the same event we had a mini premiere for Walking with Jesus Sesotho. The Walking with Jesus is a very popular tool to begin a follow up discipleship journey with new believers.

To equip or train someone to use the Knowing Jesus Strategy is not a long and complicated process. Expose a small group of people to the Gospel by showing them one of our Gospel films. Then organize a small group get together that will meet regularly and start caring and praying for one another.

In this small group the facilitator will use a smart device to host interactive sessions, using the 61 Jesus Film segments or clips to teach the new believers about Jesus’s Life and Teaching. When they completed about one third of the clips, one member in the group will start a new small group and split off to duplicate the process nearby in the community.

With our new app technology they will use Bluetooth to transfer the 61 segments and session material to the new leader’s device at no extra cost.

We are very excited about this special group of people and looking forward to follow their ministry activities. Please keep their activities and ministry efforts in your prayers.

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