How familiar has this screen become to us? For many of us, it has become the norm to have two, three or four, or sometimes even more Zoom calls and meetings per day. Sometimes, if there is not a few Zoom calls on your Google calendar for the day, you start to wonder what is wrong and how will I keep myself busy today?
But Zoom did not only bring the world and your global colleagues to your working station, it also brought the global mission field to your working station and computer- or phone screen.
So many apps and online platforms have been developed over the last 10 to 15 years to reach the unreached globally. However, it always felt to me that there is a “sort of excitement” about this new way of reaching people with the Gospel. Most people felt that it was for someone else to use but “not for me”. And then the Covid-19 pandemic struck. All of a sudden these online tools were the only way of reaching out to a world the has been robbed of any hope and was searching for any glimpse of assurance that “the sun will indeed shine tomorrow again”.
Initially it felt as if everyone needed to be guided by the Digital Strategies teams around the world. Very soon people started to understand how to effectively use these online tools and platforms to continue to reach their target audiences.
It is such a joy to see so many groups on Zoom these days that make it very easy for a new believer to become part of a discipleship group or even a seasoned believer to join a movement. All from the comfort of their own home, to be trained to share their faith and to disciple new believers.
Although Covid-19 lockdown was a truly challenging time that affected our way of living as we know it, it was a time that the Lord put into action for what He has been preparing the Digital Strategies team to do for some time.
Another platform that has been very effective during lockdown is the platform and we were able to train a number of new e-coaches during this time. What is even more exciting is how other ministries started to use the platform to continue to engage and disciple their disciples with their own material. It goes further, these other ministries that started to use our platform are starting to open up international doors for people to use the material that is already on and ready to use.
Please continue to pray with us that the Lord will continue to guide us to use online tools and platforms to expand his Kingdom and to Glorify his Name.
Johan Myburgh
National Team Leader, Digital Strategies