Sjaakjen Kroeze

Sjaakjen Kroeze moved to Cape Town at the beginning of 2023 to live with her son and his family. She still worked at CCCSA and continues to do the payroll remotely. But her health deteriorated quickly and this time, different from previously, she could not conquer the cancer and there was no turnaround. She went to her Lord on July 7th.

Sjaakjen was born on 20 July 1947 and started at CCCSA in April 2001. Her first position was office administrator with the Jesus Film Project and Media office.

In September 2014 she joined the Finance office and served as Payroll Administrator. The position she held till her death.

Sjaakjen will be remembered as a person with great resilience and a heart for excellence. She always served diligently and gave her best until the day she passed.

Isolde Swanepoel from FamilyLife, CCCSA, shared the following testimony about Sjaakjen:

“I was privileged to do Sjaakjen’s first interview for administrative staff. I remember well that she started at the Head Office in Midrand.

She was in charge of the bookstore and established an excellent resource for staff and members of the public as well!

Sjaakjen was involved in putting together a special package of materials for distribution for the 2010 Soccer World Cup. One of a few such endeavours they pulled off successfully.

But it is Sjaakjen’s spirit that made a lasting impression on those she worked with or came into contact with.

She struggled through cancer and multiple cancer treatments in a courageous, always positive spirit. She never complained but was just always thankful for her Lord’s special blessings.

Sjaakjen was a blessing of positivity to everyone she came into contact with.

Quintus and I so appreciated her help with the new financial system that came into place and caused us many frustrating moments!

We honour her memory as a loyal staff member of CCCSA, and we will miss her dearly”.

Click on the images below to enlarge them.

The Finance Team (Mary Lynn, Rick, Reinette, Sjaakjen and Naomi
Saying goodbye before Sjaakjen moved to Cape Town (Isolde is holding her hand)

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