The first part of this year has been incredibly busy so it is with thankful hearts that we can take a slightly slower pace for a few weeks. We are grateful for all God has done these past months. Let us fill you in on our May GO Day initiative. Many were mobilised to share their faith in some way. Here are a few stories…
Geoff and Caz, led short trainings at two local churches before heading out into the neighbourhood on the Saturday. One lady said, “Will you look at my grey hair? I want to thank you because this is the first time I have had the opportunity to share my faith in this way.” A 17 year old girl said that, though she was scared, she felt compelled to come because she loves Jesus so much she wants to share that love with others. Yet another said that he met some who were not interested but then, if he hadn’t gone, the ones who were sincerely interested would never have heard the gospel.
One staff woman met with some women she is discipling at a local market where they shared their faith with shoppers.
23 youths watched The Jesus Film, 15 of whom prayed to receive Christ. Lots of follow up to do!
Clothing and food were given to 1000 people at a squatters camp and the gospel was shared. Some came to know Jesus for the first time. More than 100 wanted follow-up.
One Jesus Film team showed an episode of our ‘Walking With Jesus’ resource to 20 people at a special needs home. The Jesus Film app is now being advertised around the home.
In one location, a brand new church was planted.
To God be the glory, great things He has done!
Geoff and Caroline Shave
Leader Impact, Western Cape