Financial Policy

“How our Team’s finances are handled by Campus Crusade for Christ South Africa” 

Dear Ministry Partner,

Since you are praying and considering being on our team as a Ministry Partner, it will be helpful for you to know exactly how our finances are handled by Campus Crusade for Christ South Africa. Campus Crusade for South Africa has a special account set up just for our mission team and us. All that you give goes directly into that account to be used to pay our salary our ministry expenses.

Our Mission team is our only source of income for the ministry and we trust that if you miss a month for any reason, you’ll try to make it up in the next month’s investment. All of the financial resources needed to run the ministry are given by our Mission Team. This includes all direct ministry expense such as evangelism and follow-up materials, Bible studies and Bibles, cost of discipleship training conferences and our staff’s salaries. All the funds you send in are controlled by Campus Crusade for Christ South Africa. If more than is budgeted comes in for a given month, this does not increase staff salaries, but it will be deposited in our team’s account for later use.

On the other hand, if any of our Ministry Partners fail to send in some month, we may not have enough in our account to pay staff salaries and staff therefore get only a partial salary that month and/or the ministry could suffer in some way. We are, therefore, counting on the faithfulness of the team for both our livelihood and the total operation of our team’s (your) ministry.

We hope this has help you understand a little better how our finances are handled by Campus Crusade for Christ South Africa. We believe that our team of ministry partners and their faithful prayers for the ministry  are the essential ingredient in what God is doing through our team’s ministry around the world today. Thank you for being a Ministry Partner with US. We love and appreciate you so much!

Love in Christ

Campus Crusade for Christ South Africa