Some great feedback from Digital Strategies, one of our Mission Critical Components!
The team shared the following:
“In the period from July to December 2021 we saw amazing statistics, but also discovered areas that we need to improve on and the best place to start was our social media.”
In this 6-month period we did 499 posts on Facebook and Instagram, and these posts appeared on 3,012,257 screens. We have an engagement rate of about 20% (in other words likes, comments and messages that add up to almost 150,000).
In the same period we had 13901 views on our website This is a big win, especially because 9025 views (two thirds of the total views) were on our evangelical content!
We do this to engage with people. On our Mentor Centre we had 239 new conversations started and on our Courses Platform 82 signups and 25 completions.
This is encouraging, praise to our Lord Jesus!