An uplifting and positive response
Impact Movement – TUT

Marian Jeanes has been ministering to students for many years and is still involved on the WITS Campus. One of the biggest challenges being in ministry and reaching out is that feedback is few and far between. Marian shared this great testimony of an uplifting and positive response. Here is her story:

‘When ministering to students, I am either sowing the seeds of the gospel message, watering seeds already sown or reaping the fruit for God’s kingdom. In December I
received a very interesting WhatsApp message of thanks. It was from Stacey who I had spoken to in May. She had been going through her diary and reflecting on her year, so decided to thank me for having chatted to her. I only met her once, but God obviously used it to His glory. 

Here is what she sent to me from her journal...

Marian concludes: ‘I am grateful for you, my ministry team, co-missionaries, who have prayed for and encouraged me as I have sought to share His good news with others’.

(Unexpected and positive feedback is for a missionary like the soft and comforting touch of a loving Father who loves to give an assurance, as if to say: ‘everything is ok my child’!)

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