AIA Ultimate Training Camp

“Athletes in Action” – Cape Town

AIA USA Colorado interns. Vendji is on the third row, third person from the right.

Vendjihonga Katjaimo is a CCC Intern serving with our team for 2019.  Recently, she was invited to serve on a short-term mission’s trip to America.  We asked her a few questions about her time. Below is a summary.

Last year, Vendjihonga (Vendji) went to the Ultimate Training Camp(UTC) in Colorado, USA. She received an invitation from the leader of Athletes In Action based at Michigan State University. While at UTC 2018, she experienced the Lord working personally in her life and great community of like-minded people. This year, she was prompted to return as an intern. Her desire was to gain experience again how the Lord works through UTC camps and fellowship with friends from the previous year. With absolute confidence in God, she was open to what God was going to do in and through her at the camp.

Before camp, she trusted God financially for the flights and camp fees. God, as always, was so faithful in providing.  Like Isaiah says in 43:19 “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland”. Though being anxious and worried at times, the Lord made ways that literally knocked her off her feet. She exclaimed, “GOD IS SO GOOD!”

At the beginning of this year, she laid down her own plans but still somehow as the year progressed, she felt at times like she must still figure out how to make her original plans comes to pass. During camp the Lord was very CLEAR as He spoke to her how is directing her next steps and truly that answered so many questions. So again, GOD displayed his goodness.

When asked what one application from her time in the US is, her response was, “To love people where they are in life and ultimately point them to Christ. “

Please pray that God will give her many opportunities to love others as she points them to Christ.  Thanks for sharing your story, Vendji!

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